What is Lambda Chi Alpha? That is a question with many answers. The first line of our creed states that "We belive in Lambda Chi Alpha and its traditions, principles, and ideals." We hope that you will come to understand a little of those traditions, principles, and ideals during your visit to our page. Below is a list of links which gives more detail about each of these three topics. Please visit each and feel free to email us if you have any questions.

The traditions of Lambda Chi Alpha are many, and they depend upon what area of the country a particular chapter resides, and upon the greater traditions that we all share as brothers of the same bond. You may find out about our International History to gather more information about the development of this fraternity across the decades. For specific information about the Lambda-Zeta Zeta Chapter you may visit our Local History Page. It will provide you with details about our chapter here in Jackson, Tennessee and about its development here.

The second consists of the principles which we hold dear and defend. This section details what Lambda Chi Alpha stands for and what we believe as an organization and as a chapter. You can obtain an overview of what we stand for by reading Our Creed. We are fond of saying that if BROTHERHOOD is a place you wish to go, then the Creed is the directions and the Coat of Arms is the roadmap. Our Coat of Arms is a pictoral representation of what we stand for. Many of the meanings in our Coat of Arms is secret but you may understand us better by reading about its detail and mystery.

It is also prudent to take our traditions and principles and build a future upon them. Our future lies in the adherance to our ideals. Our future is well defined and plotted as we have declared our Mission Statement which defines the direction in which we wish to head. Just as the Coat of Arms is a great symbol for which we stand, there are many other Symbols which we hold dear. Along with these many symbols, creeds, and statements, we have also bound ourselves to these virtues by our Mottoes & Obligations.

For more information you may email us or visit our International Headquarters Homepage. For information about joining Lambda Chi Alpha, please visit our Membership Information Page. If you are unsure of the terminology used in some of the pages, feel free to look it up in our Glossary Page.

Questions and comments may be
sent to our WebMaster.